Let's Be HumanKind
This year we're celebrating our shared humanity
Home for the holidays. It's a tradition that we all cherish, but is sadly not available to many. For those forced to flee their homes due to conflict, persecution or violence, finding a new one can be fraught with turmoil and danger. That's why this year we emphasize HumanKindness, by supporting the 111-year-old non-profit U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants as they help those in need find new homes in this country. Especially today, we aim to give relief and welcome our Afghan brothers and sisters as they navigate a new life here in America.
people forcibly displaced due to violence, persecution, conflict or human rights violations.
of displaced people come from just five countries: Syria, Venezuela, Afghanistan, South Sudan and Myanmar.
million immigrants in North America. 3M refugees have settled in the U.S. since 1975.
All 50 states have accepted refugees into their communities.
Our Stories
The uniquely American success story is rooted in our longstanding tradition of encouraging people from all over the globe to seek a better life here. See some of our own Rain immigration and refugee stories here.
Happy holidays from Rain the Growth Agency